D&D Rosters
The leader of the second roster, Dodge Charger, left leaving HUMMER2 the leader. Then he also
left leaving SubaruWRX as leader, by then most people that were on the roster left. SubaruWRX finally leaving someone as leader,
I dont know who he apointed or if he disbaned it or not.
My roster, the first one, is still going good. Only one or two people left. So Im going to keep the
D&D roster up as long as possible.
Clan Wars for GB
We dont want to play the random 3 maps from GB. We pick a map, you pick a map, then Crossroads on last
NO: M2O3s, GLs. RPGs, AT-4s. Glitching. Auto M16s. ALL TURRETS ARE OK
Our Mission
To become masters of Socom and to become very wellknown. To open the horizons to find new members,
including family relitives and close friends. To learn disipline and respect for elders and leaders.
To relize that "We really dont care how you died or how much you lit that guy up," if that right
there is acheived, then talking on the mic can be cut back by up to 50%.
In clan wars the mic is to be used only to inform the team of mines, troop movements, and enemy locations.
If you think about it, most the conflicts are because of someone "HOGGING THE MIC!"
Since UP- has no rosters our mission is to get everyone that was or in DPR and/or D&D to make
UP- names. I still plan to have UP- Clan Wars. Except everyones clan tag will be differentbut we will still have the
UP- if front of our names.
Clans that got busted Drinkin' & Drivin'
[AOD] [>D<] [>du] [DBU] [AOD] [-0"]
[BAH] [ZOO] [BS.] [3DM] [:-:] [RAW] [~C~]
[007] [T:G] [CkG] [WD] [BDF] [G*]
Wins = 19 Loses = 2
D&D Rank System
Ensigns - New recruits. Ensigns advance to Lt. after a week of being in clan.
Play every other weekend.
Lt. - The Average rank of members that play maybe every weekend.
Commanders - Higher ranked average members. Get MVP every so often. Plays every
weekend and during the week. #Kill = #Death
Captains - Play a lot. Very loyal members. Get MVP a lot.
2nd Admiral - Leaders of other roster(s)
Admiral - The Leader of the clan.
Note: It is posible to be promoted or depromoted for your actions.
History of D&D
Created Friday 6-25-04 by FORD GT.
The reason the clan was made was to replace DPR, which was getting old and was falling apart. The good thing that
the new clan did was that it brung back all the members that were in DPR. So, an estimated 70% of the members
on D&D were from DPR.
UP- was created on 8-10-04 to replace LLH- which had a worse name of Long Lost Homies. UP- offered
a better sounding name of United Players (or Playas).