D&D is... well... not realy falling apart its just loosong some members.
Some of those members have joined FC, which is a clan that ButtCrunch made. Others have been telling me to restart DPR. For
those of you who dont know DPR then click here. UP stands for United Players. It was created my me, Karl, to bring back all of the people that are or
were in DPR and/or D&D. Its not a clan, its more of a group. And since its not a clan it has no rosters, which means no
can tag. So the clan tag is in the begging of the name, for example mine is UP-F-250 the color code is after the UP- but befor the name, F-250. A name without a color, like Justin's is: UP-Mercielago.
Below is a list of UP- names that people have made. If you wish to make a UP- name please talk to Karl of Socom 2.